Today, I will talk about my favourite rum. Dos Maderas rums are my favourites in general because they are very harmonious and combine sweetness with strength. At the same time, their price is adequate for their quality, which is something I cannot say about flagships of Diplomatico or A. H. Riise, even though I like them very much as well. But back to Dos Maderas Luxus.
The bottle
Dos Maderas Luxus has a symbol of turtle, earning it a nickname of “turtle”. It is a “limited” edition (5000 bottles a year – i.e. every year), bottled in Spain and sold in a gift packaging.
Three different bottles are available:

Dos Maderas is a 40% blend of Carribbean rums from Barbados and Guyana. The rum is solera-aged for 10 years in traditional oak barrels. Then it is transported to Spanish Andalusia, to Williams & Humbert in Jerez de la Frontera – the largest winery in Europe. Here it is finished for 5 years in the home of the best Hispanic wines, sherry and brandy – in casks which previously housed 20-year-old sherry. Don Guido made from the Pedro Ximenéz variety (certified by regulatory council). This is very little filtered so the bottles may sometimes contain sediment, or “mess” at the bottom.

Colour and smell
This exceptional rum is of darker colours, describable as dark amber. The smell suggests a sweet rum but also wood notes. Seasoned sniffers will find notes of almonds, white fruits and molasses.
The taste
It is nice and sweet, with a pleasant combination of alcohol, wood and spices. Overall, the taste is smooth, full, long-lasting with notes of spices, nuts and honey. In other words, it is a great sweeter rum. Thanks to the packaging, it will make a nice present. This is backed by its ratings.
This rum also won a gold medal at International Wine & Spirit Competition 2012. And on Rum Ratings, it holds pretty 8.6 out of 10.
You may find it on Heureka for prices from CZK 2 802: